July is Disability Pride Month! In honor of Disability Pride, we spoke with a Valley Village family member to learn more about her experiences with Valley Village and what pride means to her! Janet Greer has been involved with Valley Village since the 1970s and she was happy to chat with us.
Janet has been involved with Valley Village since the beginning, though she says “at the time, my parents were more a part of Valley Village than I was!” Valley Village has been a part of her life and her family’s life for many years, and Janet has seen our mission in action firsthand. “My sister, Terri, has special friendships that began in her Valley Village home in 1976 and now include lots of people who belong to the Disability community in the San Fernando Valley. This is one of the many ways Terri’s life has been enriched by living at Valley Village.”

Janet and her sister Terri enjoying a day at Disneyland!
“As I think about a special memory of Valley Village, I realize I have too many to choose from! I guess what always returns to my mind is that Valley Village has been and continues to be my sister’s – and a second home for my family,” she says. “We are always welcome at Terri’s house and have always been invited to holiday celebrations. When my daughter was about six months old, we took her to meet Terri’s Valley Village house family. We celebrated Terri’s birthday that day and she was happy to show off her niece! It was a day I’ll always remember because we were so warmly welcomed as part of their family.”
It’s a very special memory to look back on, she says, because “this is the fruition of the vision that began when Valley Village was formed. The framework was laid with this goal in mind – lifelong care in a family setting.”
Consistency of care is also one of the building blocks of Valley Village. “Despite health issues and aging realities, my sister continues to be encouraged to be as independent as possible in her home with three other women, compassionate Valley Village staff, and house parents who have dedicated their lives for many years to Terri’s well-being.”
What does Disability Pride mean to Janet and her family? “Disability Pride means that when Terri and I are enjoying lunch, shopping, going to hair salons, nail salons, or Starbucks, I know I am giving her an opportunity to be herself. She is a person with an intellectual disability, but it doesn’t define her! I am proud of who she is and she is proud of herself.”
She continues that she thinks “One of the most remarkable things about Valley Village is their pride and respect for people with disabilities. It is evident in the way that Valley Village lives out their mission daily, sometimes minute by minute – to protect, foster, develop and advance the rights and interests of people with developmental disabilities.”
For Disability Pride Month, Janet would encourage you to sign up and volunteer at one of our events! “To be part of Valley Village as a volunteer means that you will soon see the uniqueness and the quality of the people who serve at Valley Village. They are a source of security, safety, positive changes, and they always provide the opportunity for Terri to smile and be herself!”
If you would like to donate to Valley Village to help us continue our mission, consider joining our Pot of Gold Club today at valleyvillage.org/monthlygiving! For only $10 a month, you can provide art supplies for one client in order to further creative expression – and that’s just the beginning!